The Hypodermic Syringe effect is a theory in that films and other media will directly effect the audience watching. For example, if the film is a violent action film the the audience will want to do something violent. This theory led to the films "A clockwork orange" and "Mikey" being banned in fear that the violence in the films would be re-enacted by though who watched it. However some people believe that this is just a theory and that it does no account for peoples individuality. However most TV advertising works in this way. They will show the product being used in hope that it will influence the watcher into doing the same, and buying the product. I think that the Hypodermic Syringe theory could work, however, I do think that human nature and instinct could and do, over rule it. For example; Watching a commercial to get a drink might make someone want to get a drink because it would benefit them and would work along side human nature. Watching a violent film and being influenced to go and act violently should go against human nature and therefore the audience would not be affected.
Examples of how the Hypodermic Syringe effect has effected the media are as follows: A clockwork Orange, a film banned due to multiple rape scenes as censor groups were worried that audiences would try to re-enact them. Mikey, Another film banned due to violence, however it was worried that if any children saw the film they would be influenced to kill.
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