Sunday, 2 January 2011

The six degrees of separation.

Whilst looking at some possible ways of displaying our film opening to as many people as possible when I came across the theory of six degrees of separation. This is a theory that states that through friends of friends you  could only be 5 people away from anyone on earth. although unproven the theory got me thinking about using social networking sites and viral advertising. If I was to send it to 5 people and they were to show it to 5  people  and so on and so on, it would soon be seen world wide, however this idea has a flaw that not everyone would be willing to show the footage or, if sent by email, seen as a junk email, as it would be a type of chain email. The other side to this is that people could send it to more than five friends. For this reason I think it would be a good idea to use Viral Advertising across Email and Social networking sites such as Hotmail, Googlemail, Facebook, and possibly Twitter.

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